About the Plant Transformation Laboratory
Established in 2006, the Plant Transformation Laboratory (PTL) is a service facility under the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) in the Department of Horticultural Science at North Carolina State University. PTL is located in the Phytotron building at 2731 Pillsbury Cir. on Main Campus and has moved from its former residence on NC State Centennial Campus. PTL provides service to and collaborates with researchers who seek to use gene editing, transformation, and tissue culture technologies in their research programs. PTL helps them to develop and implement strategies that allow the production of transgenic plants with new gene-edited traits. As part of PTL’s research mission, we develop new and optimize existing plant regeneration and transformation protocols for various species. With recent technological advancements, much of our work involves performing CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome modifications. As part of PTL’s education and outreach program, we organize tours and practical demonstrations, as well as giving lectures to NC State students, high school teachers, and students.
We look forward to working with NC State faculty members on plant species of interest, specifically emphasizing those that are not currently addressed by other plant transformation facilities. We are especially interested in working on crops significant to the state of North Carolina’s agricultural economy.
To learn more about how the PTL can best support your research program, request a letter of support for a grant proposal, or propose a collaboration, contact Kedong Da at kda@ncsu.edu